It looks like she is back but as always the old videos are gone. I don't understand why she always feels the need to delete them. To be honest I get that she is dealing with OCD but I am bored or her videos because they are always the same. Pillow Talk or Follow me around and so on. She needs to spice it up or people will forget about her and stop watching. But maybe since she has a new boyfriend she won't be doing many videos anyway. After all youtube was always just a way to get something else she wanted, into acting. I think everyone is over her by now and sick of her just being randomly gone and coming back like nothing is up. She is being fake and should at least try to let her subscribers know what is going on. Here is a picture of her and Nick. She claims they are back together but on his myspace he is listed as single and logs in every day so she is most likely not telling the truth which is sad. He does not even have any pictures of them together on his profile. Something is fishy. I think she is just trying to not look pathetic. I also think she is can't stop telling lies. She said the reason why she changed her name was because it was humiliating but what is so wrong with Kristin Smith? I think is fits her because its nice and plain just like she is. She said before her last name was not common so she wanted to change that as well...hahaha SMITH. Wow. Anyway this girl is just full of lies and pretends to be perfect when in fact she is far from it.